United States - Christian Louboutin vs. Yves Saint Laurent

In 2011, Christian Louboutin company filed a US trademark infringement claim of its red-soled shoes against designer Yves Saint Laurent.[32] The firm is expecting that the YSL shoe design will be revoked and is seeking US$1 million in damages.[33] However, in August 2011, U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero denied the firm's request to stop the sale of women's shoes with red soles by Yves Saint Laurent. The judge questioned the validity of the trademark, writing, "Louboutin's claim would cast a red cloud over the whole industry, cramping what other designers do, while allowing Louboutin to paint with a full palette."[34] Judge Marrero also wrote, "Louboutin is unlikely to be able to prove its red outsole brand is entitled to trademark protection, even if it has gained enough public recognition in the market to have acquired secondary meaning."[35] In his thirty-two-page decision, Judge Marrero compared fashion designers to painters and noted how creativity for both is dependent upon using color as "an indispensable medium" that "plays a unique role." The Court observed that: "The law should not countenance restraints that would interfere with creativity and stifle competition by one designer, while granting another a monopoly invested with the right to exclude use of an ornamental or functional medium necessary for freest and most productive artistic expression by all engaged in the same enterprise."[36] Jewelry company Tiffany & Co., which has its blue box trademarked, filed an amicus curiae brief supporting the right to trademark a color.[37] In September 2012, the court finally ruled that Louboutin retains the exclusive right to use the color red on the bottom of its shoes whenever the outer portion of the shoe is any color besides red, while Yves Saint Laurent can continue to sell its shoes with red soles as long as the whole shoe is red.[38] The YSL monochromatic shoe – red upper, red outsole – over which the lawsuit originally had been brought and against which Louboutin had tried and failed to get a preliminary injunction, therefore won't infringe the trimmed-down trademark.

クリスチャン・ルブタン(Christian Louboutin)は、1964年1月7日、家具職人の父親と専業主婦の母親のもとでフランスのパリに生まれた[1]。子どもの頃から婦人ファッションに興味を持って。1979年にパリの街角を歩いていた、国立アフリカ・オセアニア美術館の前で、観光客の女性に木製の床を傷つけないように注意看板に気付いた。看板が気になり、バックルで締め付け底がついた靴をデザインし始める。10代の頃にこのタイプの靴の絵ばかり学校のノートに描いて長時間過ごしたことを認めている。このラインの靴が後日デザイナーとしてのセールスポイントとなる。















South Korea “Junk” China “copy” … The specifications of the JIDU submarine “Jinryu” out of the throat

On the 7th, the Maritime Self-Defense Force submarine “Jinryu” delivery ceremony and the SDF flag award ceremony were held at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Kobe Shipyard in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. This is a new generation of submarine that can reduce the snorkel (intake and exhaust system) driving, which is the weak point of the submarine, to the limit and can cooperate with other ships through the network.

Since the US and Britain have deployed large nuclear submarines powered by nuclear power and loaded with intercontinental ballistics since the Second World War, Japan has deployed normal power submarines loaded with diesel engines. Its feature is quietness.

When nuclear power is used as a power source, loud noises such as turbine rotation noise are generated. For submarines that fight underwater sound detection as their “eyes”, having a noise source is a major drawback because it informs the enemy of their location.

US nuclear submarines are said to have significantly reduced this noise with advanced technology. In a submarine that is concealed, quietness is important.

On the other hand, since a diesel engine requires oxygen, the snorkel is pushed out to the sea surface, air is taken in, the engine is moved and charged, and at the time of diving, it proceeds with an electric motor that is overwhelmingly quiet.

However, sticking snorkels to the sea is accompanied by a risk of being detected by the radar of hostile submarine patrol aircraft. The “Soryu type” non-atmospheric propulsion (AIP) system has solved this problem.

AIP was studied by the Japan Self-Defense Force from the 1950s, and a method using a fuel cell was studied. However, in the Soryu type, a Stirling engine (using gas expansion due to high temperature and compression due to seawater cooling) was put into practical use. Adopted, domestically installed. Although the speed is as low as 5 knots, continuous navigation performance is outstanding. Combined with the diesel system, the continuous diving period of several days has been extended to 3-4 weeks.

Another feature is “networking”. In-ship systems such as various sensors and weapons were connected via an optical fiber LAN (Integrated Communication Network) to centralize information processing. It also has a system that connects this network to the outside of the ship, making it possible to integrate information with the onshore headquarters.

It can be used in conjunction with other ships, reminiscent of the “Group Wolf Operation,” which was once deployed by the German submarine U-boat unit during the Second World War.

The Australian-made “Collins class” currently in operation does not perform as originally planned, and there are still problems, so we decided to introduce submarines of other countries with reliability and track record in the next adopted submarine. Yes. “Soryu type” is going up as the first candidate. Manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are also proposing to Australia that they can call it the “Soryu Remodeling” that uses lithium batteries in addition to AIP.

Countries in Southeast Asian waters, including Australia, are faced with the challenge of strengthening their naval power due to China’s aggressive ocean advancement, and the “Soryu type” is an envy for countries that are unable to introduce nuclear submarines that are cumbersome and expensive to operate. But there is.

kazu's Supreme fashionable

Supreme fashionable [Article to be published isSpecial items] Christian Louboutin


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